- Poor processing skills in reading, writing, and/or listening skills
- Low self esteem
- Difficulty in controlling time, usually late for appointments, or handing work in
- Not able to reply to a question at a similar speed to your peers
- Unable to complete time-related tasks within the set time
- Words blur or appear to move when reading
- Difficulty in organizing sequential information in structured way
- Spelling is poor, may have difficulty spelling words phonetically or cannot spell irregular spelled words such as cough or heresy
- Mispronounce longer words such as preliminary
- Find it hard to focus on the task in hand
- Employed in a job where there is an opportunity for advance, yet you refrain from applying for the position as it may involve some administrative tasks
- Confusion reading and spelling similar words such as saw and was, or pin and pen
- Poor short term memory ability, cannot recall facts or figures
- Come up with good ideas but difficulty getting thoughts onto paper
- Cannot identify errors when proof reading own work
- Cannot read to own child; embarrassed at not able to help them with their homework
- When free writing, mix uppercase words with lower case in the wrong places
- Rely on others to read emails, letters or written instructions
- Cannot multitask, such as taking notes and listening at the same time
- Problems with directions, confusing left and right
- Writing down details correctly from phone messages
- Get frustrated easily because you can see the answer to a problem but cannot explain how you arrived at it.
On the other hand, do you have any of the following abilities?
- Creative: like to draw, paint or write
- Have good visual skills
- Excel in a particular sport
- Caring nature, like to help people
- Good at solving problems
- Excellent intuitive skills; good judge of people
- Thinks out of the box, may see the whole picture not just parts
- May learn best by doing, not being told how to do something
- Successful over achiever; however has to work harder than peers
(Adults with dyslexia do not necessary possess all these strengths.)
What you can do about it?
This can be done by the dyslexia assessment; for further information please feel free to email or telephone us.
Take the Adult on-line test to determine whether you or a member of your family need to be assessed, not always to confirm dyslexia but may be to alleviate the likelihood
There are a number of different types of Dyslexia. Although this test does not diagnose Dyslexia it will provide information as to whether you/they should take the next step and have a formal assessment.
Where necessary, replace you with him/her.
Yes No
- Is there Dyslexia within the immediate family?
- Do you have difficulty reading (even to your children) and may even avoid it altogether?
- When you spell words do you put the letters in the wrong order?
- At school did you struggle with reading and spelling yet did well with physical activities?
- Were you the class clown, always coming up with ways to make your friends laugh?
- Did reports always state that you were not concentrating?
- Do you have difficulty putting your thoughts on paper?
- Do you forget things quickly such as names or what you have read?
- Do you write numbers back to front e.g. 38 for 83?
- Do you have difficulty reading a map?
- Regularly miss and confuse appointments?
- Do you have difficulty following instructions?
- Do words seem to move or wobble on a page or computer screen?
- Do you constantly lose your place when reading?
- Does it give you a headache/migraine when you read; either a book or on a computer screen?
- Spell words such as saw for was or big for dig?
These are just some of the possible problems that a person with Dyslexia may have. If you have ticked 8 or more, it is recommended you seek an assessment. It does not mean you have dyslexia; however, further investigation is required.